Saturday, August 29, 2009

This week in Richfield



We had a couple of days in Richfield this week. We were there for a funeral and to spend time with Shell's brother who was here from Michigan. We spent all Thursday from about 10 in the morning to 9 at night working on Shell's parents front yard. When we didn't finish on Thursday we had to work another half a day on Friday. Here are the before and after picture of how the project turned out. It was a lot of work, especially because it was just Shell and me doing all the work.

Friday, August 28, 2009


On Friday we decided all the hard work was done and we needed to go boating. We got to the lake the boat ran for a few minutes and died. My brother was the only one in the boat so Jason swam out to help him get the boat back to shore. After getting premium gas and starter fluid it would start and stop. They finally flipped a switch and we were off. We were both able to knee board Jason wake boarded. I love being on the lake especially when no one else is on the lake. We were even able to teach Kimmie how to knee board she did awesome. I can't wait for next summer so we can get out on the lake and play some more.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ghost Falls

Ghost Falls Hike located behind the Draper Temple was a pretty easy hike more like a walk. We walked into the corner canyon for about an hour and to see ghost falls. As we were finishing the hike we were able to get some great views of the Draper Temple.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Parade of Homes

It has been a tradition of ours to go to the parade of homes. However, due to the economy the parade of homes was a major let down. We only went to one night and decided not to go to any others. Most of the homes were model homes and were not decorated. In the past I've looked forward to the cute decorative ideas in each house.